Thursday, August 16, 2007

The School of Hard Knocks

Wow! Looking at the post below about the girl I was years ago really made me see how different I was then from how I am today. I'd like to say that I was perfect all through my life up to this point, but I know that is not true. I've learned 'the hard way' throughout my life that the Bible is very real and very true. It's amazing how easy your life goes when you follow what the Bible says and how difficult and complex you can make life for yourself when you do contrary to what it says. I'm so thankful that Jason and I have grown up together throughout our relationship. Now we ask ourselves, "What does the Bible say about it?" when we are dealing with our marriage or our children because we know from experience that what the Bible says is true.
My prayer is that I can raise my children to be caring, compassionate, gentle individuals who have a great love for God and a strong concern and compassion for their fellow man. I'm still not perfect, but I want my children to know that its okay to make mistakes, but to keep trying to be a better person every day. To me, that is the greatest goal I can have.


Holly said...

I feel that way too Maria, though you expressed it much better than I could. God is so good to allow us to "grow up" and welcome us back when we do. I think our experiences, those we are proud of and those we aren't, just make up our whole package--and we can hopefully share our lessons learned--even if they were learned the hard way. Been there girl!
You and your family are such a blessing in my life and in many others--and I love the whole Maria Package!

Lacie said...

Ditto girl!

I have seen you grow and stretch, and lean more on God over the years. I know God has wonderful plans for you and your family.

You are right, life is "easier" when you do all you can to do HIS will. There are hard times, but there is sunshine on the other side when you lean on out Father.

Again, Jason is blessed to have you as his wife and you chidren have a wonderful mother!

Love ya and Miss ya tons!