Saturday, August 4, 2007

Did I mention that I'm a runner?

Somewhere in the midst of the hectic life I call 'motherhood', I became re-acquainted with an old love of mine--running! Now, let me expand on what I considered running pre-motherhood. Running to me was never about the distance of miles run, just about the time I spent out there exercising (you know, the old calories in vs. calories burned scenario). I ran solely for the purpose of trying to manage the constantly moving roller-coaster ride known as my 'weight'. But, I discovered that as I began running more I actually enjoyed it. Imagine that?! I 'm not exactly sure what it is that I like so much about running. Maybe it's the feeling or the "runner's high" that I get after a really good, physically exhausting run or maybe its the feeling that I am pounding all the day's stresses and frustrations into the pavement and leaving them in the dirt. Either way, I think I've become addicted to that "runner's high". Not to mention, a few of my friends are runners too. Well, due to my renewed interest in the sport and the fact that some friends of mine are big fans too, I have actually joined a running club and have (gasp!) registered for the Houston Marathon in 2008. Yes, it is a little hard to believe that I will actually be running 26.2 miles (even typing the mileage makes my heart beat a little faster), but what's a girl to do? I'm in it for the long-haul and I'm going to cross the finish line (walking or crawling if I must). Here goes nothing...Woo-hoo!


Heather's House said...

I am so glad we can all go on this running adventure together! How fun! And how fun to talk about the marathon and stuff when we are 90. HA HA! It was good to see you Sat. morn. You didn't look tired at ROCK!

Love ya girl!

Lacie said...

I am thrilled you have a bog now!!! I just came across it and about jumped off my chair!!!

Now I feel I can stay better up to date on the happenings with one of my best friends and her family! -It becomes very addicting!

I did not realize you were doing the WHOLe MARATHON! Way to go! I just don't think i could train for a whole mararthon alone. training for the half is about all I feel I can do by myself. BUT never say never, right! (I am living in the boonies with my best friends five hours away!!!!!!)

Girl, I miss ya tons! I am tearing up just knowing that I have another means of staying up with you. Know that I miss you and you adorable family. You are in my prayers!!!