Thursday, August 2, 2007

1000 Coffee Cups

I know what you're thinking...she must drink a lot of coffee! I do like coffee, but not to that extent. But if any of you are wanting any cups (for the next 10 years) to put your coffee in, you've come to the right place.
Since I just recently started my blog, I couldn't resist sharing a little story about good intentions gone bad. My friend Heather and I were riding together to go to the church's monthly ladies night. I had basically hitched a ride with her, since I wasn't too sure about how to get to the location. Anyway, long story short, I felt bad about making Heather any later than she already was to help the hostess prepare and Heather was already having a bad day. So, since she was supposed to bring styrofoam coffee cups and I was feeling guilty about making her come pick me up, I had the bright idea of running into Sam's Club (of all places) to get those cups for her. Well, as you already may know, Sam's Club specializes in bulk items, so I ran in and got the coffee cups as I had promised (all 1000 of them). Needless to say, Heather was quite taken aback seeing me walk out with a box almost tall as myself. We had a good laugh over it, but I think Heather still has the box in her car (all 925 cups). Any takers?


Mamaof3 said...

THIS is why I love you, Maria!! :) You always do what you say you will..even if it's over and above what we expect!! I'm so lucky to have you!!!

Holly said...

So, anyone up for a cup of coffee?

Heather's House said...

HA HA!! That totally made my day! You are so fun...I just love you, girl! :) Nothing like seeing you come out with a box of 1000 coffee cups! Ha ha ha