Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Making Pancakes

This past Monday morning (after a long weekend), I decided to do something different for a change--have the kids make their own breakfast! Now, I know what you are thinking--What a mean momma! But seriously, the kids had a ball! In fact, Ashlyn was feeling quite motivated to cook after garnering a new child's apron and cooking utensils from "Pop" for her birthday. Although Layton didn't have a fancy apron and cooking utensils, he was gung-ho to make pancakes too. So, with some pancake batter, a mixing spoon, a few messy spills, and some skilled (and supervised) spatula moves-- Voila! Breakfast was served. Here's Ashlyn with her prized pancake.

Here's Layton with the pancake he made. Note the funny face he is trying to make.
I tried to take another picture, but this was the irritated, 'Mom!' reaction I got. Oh well, I liked the first one better anyway.

Do your kids like to cook or help you in the kitchen? What are some of your favorite things to make together?


Mamaof3 said...

What cuties!! :) I bet they were good pancakes!

Holly said...

A. likes to help get things out of the fridge when we cook, and stir stuff. I haven't let her do TOO much yet (that's just my controlling nature I guess). She loves to help bake cookies, but we haven't been doing that lately with WW and all.

Lacie said...

Yes! My kids love to be in the kitchen!!!!! Anything they can stir or pour they LOVE!

I am hoping to have a chef in the family so I will never have to cook again-Ha!

Truth be told I would be so unhappy if I wasn't cooking or baking!

Amy McCown said...

That looks like so much fun. That is good that you are teaching them how to cook when they are young.

Whitney said...

What fun! I remember how much I enjoyed helping my mom out in the kitchen when I was little!

Michael Ann said...

okay you have two of the cutest kiddos - they have automatic tans being the children of you and Jason!!