Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eau de Chocolate Milk

No, its not a new perfume (although, your kids would probably love the smell). Its the new scent I'm wearing after my darling son accidentally splashed me with his chocolate milk. How, Do you say? Well, let me start at the beginning of this wonderful day...
First off, it was check-up day for Ashlyn. And you know what that means--SHOTS! So, after a particularly stressful doctor's visit for Ashlyn, I decided to take the kids to the mall to eat at Chick-fil-A and shop at Build-a-Bear to try to relax and have a good time. HA! Well... I ran into a girl that I knew from my doctor's office and we sat down together for lunch. Long story short, after just telling her how things 'got better' after the kids got older (she has two kids that are about 18 mos. apart--mine are 17 mos. apart), Layton decided to shake his chocolate milk bottle WITHOUT the lid on. If you could imagine one of those scenes from one of those high school movies where someone throws a drink over someone's head--well, it was just like that. I had chocolate milk in my hair, dripping down my face and all over my shirt. I didn't even know what hit me! Luckily, the girl who I was eating with (whom I didn't really know all THAT well) was so understanding and helped me wipe up with some of the baby wipes she had in her bag. Sooo, at this very moment I am badly smelling like chocolate milk and in desperate need of a shower (my second of the day!). What can I say, when life hands you moments like this you either laugh or you cry--or both.


Michael Ann said...

I am cracking up - I can totally see that happening in my mind! Life with kids...Never a dull moment right???

Lacie said...

hee hee~ I think I have cry/laugh moments more then anything!! You think we should get used to these things, but nope!

Heather's House said...

Please take a shower before I pick you up in the morning! HA HA HA HA!! I wish I could have seen your face. I'm sorry you had a crazy day.

Love ya!

nikki said...

Oh, the life of a mom! Everyday is a laugh-cry moment around here.

Amy McCown said...

Oh we have so many of those moments when you just have to laugh because it is just that bad.