Monday, March 24, 2008

50 Random Things About Me (Part 2)

Okay, since I just have to complete my '50 Random Things' post (remember #25?)--here goes my last 25. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite provide a flow of ideas in this one (its definitely more random!), but hope you enjoy it nevertheless! Here goes:

26. My hubby and I took our first trip to Europe when I was 6 months pregnant with my firstborn, Ashlyn. I hoofed it all over London and Paris and even got my picture at the top of the Eiffel Tower (despite my fear of heights!) Let me tell you--it was scary!
27. I have a very goofy personality. (Big surprise there!)
28. My husband does too, and that's why we fit so well together.

29. I think I got my goofy personality from my dad, whom I adore.

30. Although my dad lives in Missouri, I'm very close to him--I talk to him on the phone at least once a day.

31. I think I was born with 'foot-in-mouth' syndrome. I go home thinking (quite often), "Why did I say that?". I'm not sure if it's because I tend to speak before I think or if I'm actually missing some brain cells. You decide.

32. I tend to be very critical of myself.

33. I am rather indecisive at times and find myself second-guessing just about everything I do.

34. I had perfect attendance throughout my 4 years of high school. My best friend, Diane, and I were the only ones to receive that prestigious (ha!) award in our senior class.

35. My perfect attendance could be a result of the fact that my parents would never let me miss school (unless I was on my deathbed;), or because I loved school. I have always loved being in school whether it was elementary, intermediate (maybe not so much), high school or college. I loved being in classes and learning new things.

36. I love old R&B and funk music. I like music with a lot of soul and a good beat.

37. I love riding in my car with the music blaring and singing at the top of my lungs. (Maybe not so much now with kids, but when I do get a chance to do it when I'm alone, I usually do).

38. I am a definite yo-yo dieter. I feel like I'm constantly going up and down in clothes sizes. Tell me this is normal all you women out there!

39. In the past I jogged for weight control, but turned my casual hobby into a goal.

40. I ran my first half-marathon in October of last year.

41. I ran my first marathon in January of this year.

42. I have only jogged sporadically since then (about once or twice).

43. I'm hoping to start up again (soon!) and run another marathon this next year.

44. I am a huge chocoholic and ice-creamaholic (or any other sweets for that matter!)

45. I am completely non-crafty.

46. I don't scrapbook, stamp, etc. I don't know if its because I lived most places where it wasn't really popular, but I don't do it nevertheless. I'm sure I'd like to learn--someday.

47. I have a nasty nail-biting habit, which I've seen my daughter, Ashlyn copy (Uh-oh!)

48. I can't pop my knuckles.

49. I can't whistle.

50. I have a sarcastic sense of humour. I tend to joke around (a lot) with my good friends.

Well, there you have it. That's me in a nutshell (besides some other weird quirks and idiosyncracies). Hope you enjoyed the journey with me. Now, here's to the next 50 posts (and many more...)

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