Monday, March 24, 2008

50 Random Things About Me (Part 1- the First 25)

Well, I have officially passed the '50' mark--50 blog postings that is. To celebrate this momentous occasion, I have decided to follow in the footsteps of some of my fellow bloggers and post 50 random things about myself that you may (or may not have known) about me. So, pull up a chair (or grab a pillow and blanket--whatever gets you through it) and enjoy:

1. I was born at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. Yep, I'm an Air Force Brat (not sure if I've ever actually grown out of that phase)

2. My mom was from the Phillippines.

3. My mom passed away 4 weeks after my son Layton was born. It was definitely one of the hardest times in my life--I still struggle with it now and again, but its getting better bit by bit.

4. I have one sister named Jackie, who I am very close too. Just think of my alter ego and you'll have my sister's personality.

5. I am a stickler for punctuality--I'm either right on time or at least 30 minutes early (not sure why I do that, but I do--I guess I'm scared I'll miss something ?

6. I have 2 dogs, Sissey and Sara, and have mostly grown up with dogs.

7. My dream as a child was to be a veternarian (like most children, I'm sure). I didn't quite accomplish my goal, but my house can be a zoo at times! :)

8. I have a weird phobia about earthworms, slugs, grubs, etc.. The weird thing is that I'm not really afraid of snakes, spiders, cockroaches, bees or really any other insect--just worms. I don't like it when I see them in the yard, let alone touch them. I'm not sure what I think will happen to me if I did come in contact with one, but I'm sure it would be bad ;)

9. I have mowed a lawn once in my life (since we mostly lived in small towns with a lot of land), but I'm sure I would try again if I really had to. I mostly avoid yardwork unless its raking leaves or something due to my earthworm phobia (it's not an excuse I swear!)

10. I have lived in 4 different states while I was growing up--Louisiana, Virginia, Colorado, and Illinois.

11. I consider Virginia to be my childhood home.

12. I play piano and took classical piano lessons for 12 years growing up. I hated piano lessons when I was little, but I enjoy playing now that I'm an adult.

13. I really wanted to play the drums when I was little, but my mom quickly nixed that idea.

14. When I was in junior high, I helped my mom and my sister refinish an antique baby grand piano that I used to play on. It was truly beautiful.

15. I have always been an avid reader and I love to read books, magazines (whatever), when I do have the time.

16. My favorite types of books and movies (okay, here's where the geek in me comes out) are either in the Science Fiction/Fantasy genre or period pieces about Victorian-era England. I actually grew to love the same books that my dad and mom used to read. I started reading the books that they liked when I was growing up and learned to like them myself.

17. Once I find an author that I like, I read all their books (and then I read them over again!)

18. I don't like to read non-fiction books or dramatic movies that are reality-based. I definitely read and watch movies to escape what goes on in the world around me.

19. That said, I do not like to watch the local news. I hate hearing about all of the crime around me.

20. I can't stand horror movies--never have never will! I definitely do not find watching people suffer (no matter if its real or not) entertaining.

21. I do not like to ride roller coasters--much to my hubby's dismay. I have ridden several in the past, but only because someone wanted me to ride. I usually just close my eyes until its over.

22. My dislike of roller coasters could be due to my fear of heights.

23. Although I have a fear of heights, I have rock climbed, been rapelling, and otherwise tried to tackle my fear of heights (I try to do that with most of my fears, except for the earthworm one--I'm not even going to try and tackle that one).

24. I am very focused on getting things done. In fact, I tend to obsessively think about a project until I actually complete it.

25. I am getting better at that. If not, I wouldn't be breaking up this post for easier reading (although I do have it saved in draft format to post later! :)

To be continued...

1 comment:

Holly said...

I didn't know about your aversion to roller coasters--but I admire your willingness to give them a try (along with working through other fears--except worms--yeah, that's a deal breaker.)