Sunday, October 7, 2007

"The rain, rain, rain came down, down, down..."

No, I'm not going to start singing this Disney song (this was in Bambi, right?!) but for some reason, this song popped in my head as I was thinking about Saturday morning. Unfortunately, unlike most people's Saturdays where they get to sleep in until noon--I got to get up at my usual time (before the crack of dawn--otherwise known as 5:00 am) to go meet my running club for my long-distance run. I stumbled sleepily out the door, drove to our usual meeting place at the Clear Lake High School (yes, I drove there right after I "stumbled sleepily" out the door--scary, isn't it?), stepped out of the car to meet my running group and then the heavens opened up. As I was kicking myself for not staying in bed, I thought to myself, "Is there a way I can discreetly sneak away to my car without the rest of my group knowing?" "Is my running group going to think I'm a wimp?" But before I had a chance to think any further and debate my future social standing in my group, our group's organizer, Angie, spoke over the loudspeaker--"What are you going to do today? What if it is raining on marathon day? What are you going to do then? Not do it?! You have a choice..." Well, my choice was to run my scheduled 9-mile run in the rain (a.k.a. torrential downpour). I'll have to say I was miserable--spitting the rain out of my mouth, stepping in puddle after puddle, and using my hands as windshield wipers to wipe the rain out of my eyes, but...I did it! No one can stop me now! I'm strong! I'm invincible! Now, if only I don't catch pneumonia...


Holly said...

Can you hear me applauding you? I am!! Girl, you are a Runner!! Nothing can stop you!

Glad you made it through the downpour and the puddles--what a trooper!

Mamaof3 said...

Gotta give it to you..I'm so proud! :)