Sunday, October 14, 2007


This past Friday, Jason and I had the opportunity to see the play, 'Harvey', at the Pasadena Little Theatre. What made the play so special was that Jason's mom, Glenda, had a part in it. Since it was opening night, we took the kids up to the play as well. Let's just say that's when the "fear" set in...After we sat down, the director got up and made an announcement for everyone to "turn their cell phones and pagers off and to stay seated until intermission since the actors would be going in and out of the entrance doors". (Can you see the sweat start beading up on my forehead?!) Needless to say, thanks to some snacks (thank goodness for goldfish!) and yes, some good behavior on the kids' parts, we made it through the first Act of the play without any loud tantrums or screaming. Despite the 'fear' of the kids misbehaving during the play, the first Act was really good! It was also very touching for the kids to see their 'Mamie' acting in a play. The kids were so excited to see her when she came out and were so quiet the whole time she was performing. At the end of the play, Ashlyn told us that she wanted to reach out and hug her, but that she couldn't reach her. How sweet is that?! I'm just so glad that the kids got to see her in a different setting, not just as their 'Mamie', but as Glenda, doing something that she loves.

If you want to catch a great play, 'Harvey' is running through until the last weekend in October. Check it out--you'll enjoy it!

Do you have some 'memorable' experiences at shows/theaters with your kids? I'd love to hear 'em!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh what fun!! An actress in your family--how exciting!

I love the movie Harvey and I bet the play is wonderful. Glad everything went well and they saw their Mamie a bit differently--and handled it with flying colors. :)