Thursday, February 7, 2008

My how they grow!

No, its not 'Wordless Wednesday', or 'Semi-wordless Wednesday' for that matter. Since I'm so behind on my posting (after a 'nice' visit from the flu bug), I decided to put some pictures of my adorable kids for all my friends and family to see--it is my blog after all!
Here's Ashlyn and Layton hugging one another. Its so neat to see how these two have grown to genuinely love and care for one another. Believe me--they can fight with each other, but they won't let anyone else mess with their sibling!
Here's Layton in some kind of fighting pose. Not sure who he's fighting, but they better watch out!

Aaah, and last but not least dress-up. This time the kids each got to dress up as dogs. Its amazing how much they (or mostly Layton) wants to act, talk, and dress like each other.
For those of you who have children, it is amazing to see our children achieve new things, learn to do things on their own and become more independent. It makes me sentimental thinking about how Ashlyn will be starting kindergarten next year! (Okay, its not until fall of next year, but still!! It's just around the corner!) I hope I will always be able to remember the times when they were this young and cherish the moments (even amongst the stress!) My, how I love these kids!:)


Whitney said...

Cute pictures of two adorable kids! :) Sorry to hear about the flu- glad you are feeling better!

Lacie said...

what great pictures! i know they will be in high school before we know it-BooHOo!

The Flu??? YUCK- been there, done that!

Robyn said...

Sooo cute. Glad you're back! See you tomorrow!

Holly said...

So sorry you've been bitten by the flu bug! Hope you are feeling better.

These pictures are adorable--well, the kidlets are the ones that are adorable and the pictures turned out nice. :)

Michael Ann said...


Cute kiddos!!

Okay, Traci and I want to know why you haven't written!!! No excuses!!!


Amy McCown said...

You have very cute kiddos. I am already sentimental about my Layton starting kindergarten and he is 18 months. Glad you guys are feeling better.

Traci said...

Your kids are so adorable! I would love to hear how you are doing!