Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

This Easter was a special holiday for me. Why? No, it's not the fancy Easter dresses and Easter egg hunts, although I definitely love those parts of the Easter holiday--it was my first official holiday where I actually cooked the holiday meal myself! Yep, the whole deal--ham, potato casserole, broccoli and rice casserole, peas, rolls, apple pie and to top off the meal, my artery-clogging Reese's Peanut Butter Cup cake. I was feeling pretty good about myself! Jason's dad, Gray, otherwise known as 'Pop' to the kids, came over to eat my Easter lunch and brought his mom, Betty. It was so good to see them both! Here's Pop with the kids and Grandma Betty. Note Layton's lack of pants (sigh!)--I didn't want to make too big of a fight about it on Easter, but it sure does put me to work cropping a lot of pictures! :)

For those of you who know me well, I am not much of a picture taker at everyday events. I tend to be the person who forgets to bring my camera to well, most everything. But on holidays, I tend to take maybe, too many pictures (?) Sooooo, get ready to see a lot of pictures. Here goes...
Here's my sweet, albeit 'pant-less' boy out looking for Easter eggs:

Here's Ashlyn out looking for her Easter eggs and then later placing them into organized lines. I haven't quite figured out her organizational pattern, but I'm thinking she's going by color ? Hmmm.....what do you think?

And last but not least, some random pictures of my family. This is for you Heather! :)
(If you look closely enough in the background you can see Layton (again) without pants. Jason and I got a good laugh out of that one!)

I hope you all had just as wonderful holiday as we did this year! Happy Easter!


nikki said...

Aw, the kids looked so cute! Looks like they had a great time.

Traci said...

Those are great pictures of you and your beautiful family pants or no pants. Your arms look like Madonna's....SO cut!!!

Holly said...

Way to go Maria--I mean Betty--I mean super woman! Glad your Easter dinner turned out well and y'all enjoyed family time together.

Layton is cracking me UP! I didn't know he was such a free spirit.

Amy McCown said...

Those are cute pictures. Way to go with cooking the Easter dinner. Mine did not turn out as good as I wanted it to. Next year I will have to ask you for tips.

maria said...

If only my arms were that cut! Sadly, it must be a trick of photography If only...

Michael Ann said...


It was so good to see pictures of you guys! Loved them! You guys look exactly the same as you did 10 years ago!! Hey where are you living in Houston?? my parents live in Kingwood now...and where do you go to church there? They go to Fellowship of the Woodlands, but now the new branch in Kingwood.