Monday, March 17, 2008

2 Water Squirters = Happiness

This past week, I stopped at the dollar store and bought the kids two water squirters. I'm not sure what the correct term for them is, but that's what we call them anyway. We originally had one which had since then gotten broken (is that correct grammar ? :) but as a smart mom, I decided to go back to get two--one for each of them to avoid any fights. Ever since we got them, the kids have been playing with them nonstop whenever we're in the backyard--giving the dogs a 'bath' , watering the trees, or washing our windows (I wish the kids really did accomplish one of those things, it would be a huge help!)

Here's Ashlyn happily 'loading up' her water squirter to chase the dogs with:

Here's Layton posing with his water squirter after my fifth attempt to get him to look at the camera and not squirt me! Note the lack of pants--he's in his 'I hate to wear clothes phase'. I'm just lucky I got a shirt on him! :)

I know toys can't buy happiness, but they do buy me at least 30 more minutes to myself. Thank goodness for the dollar store!

Are there any toys/games that keep your kids happy and occupied for large amounts of time?


Holly said...

Those squirters are GREAT! It was funny to see Layton out their in his shirt and you had a hard time getting a pic without him squirting you--HAHA!

It's so nice they can play outside this time of year.

Michael Ann said...

No pants is the way to go for boys I'm finding out - at least with my two. So cute!!

Traci said...

Maria, your kids are gorgeous!! They look just like you and Jason! I always buy two of everything now because if you don't, someone's gonna cry! Even gender specific things!

My kids love to sit at the table and either paint or play with shaving cream. They will do that for a while!

To answer your question about the personalities of my kids, Kylie is really serious but learning how to joke, and Riles is a goof ball! But, I am definitely more serious now after having Riley. I am not the same irresponsible, carefree gal that I used to be. Having kids really brought out that Mother Hen in me! Luckily Alan is a comic relief and he still brings out the kid in me!!

Kim said...

SUCH fun!!! Can we come play?!?!?