Monday, February 25, 2008

My clumsy self

For those of you who know me, clumsy is my middle name. Even as an adult, I feel slightly like my dear 2- year old, running into walls, tripping over toys (okay, maybe not so unusual as a mom!), or generally being a freak magnet for accidents. Well, this past Sunday, I did it again--in public. Here's the rundown..
After debating over whether or not to eat out, we decided to go out for Mexican food after church. After five minutes of being there (it doesn't take me long!), I decided to go to the restroom and take Layton with me. While I was holding him and walking to the bathroom--I tripped and fell!! I think it was possibly the slowest fall in history! I slid on my wedge heels (don't you love being a girl? :) and slowly fell on my side (in my skirt I might add!), while holding Layton in my arms. I might possibly have been able to stabilize myself from the fall, but since I was holding Layton my balance was off. It was a little like ice skating (Michelle Kwan watch out!). It kinda reminded me of tripping in the high school cafeteria, and sliding (on my rear end) right up to the senior lounge with my tray still upright in my hand, fiestada untouched. An oh so embarrassing experience at the time, but so funny now... :)
What was even more amazing is that I fell not five feet behind Jason and he didn't even know it! Okay, granted he has had an ear problem lately where he can't hear very well out of his right ear, but there was a lot of commotion going on! A waiter came by to help me up and see if we were okay and helped me up. Luckily, there wasn't a whole lot of people at the restaurant--but still!! Aren't I too old to fall down like that? I know what you're thinking--I am a little bit on the clumsy side, but I'm telling you I am a magnet for accidents! Anyway, after getting up and seeing if Layton was okay, I calmly took Layton to the bathroom and came back. After telling Jason that I fell down, to his amazement and concern ("Am I in trouble now, because I didn't see you fall?") , I sat back down. What was really amazing is that I really didn't care that I fell in front of people (even while a waitress was looking at me with a little smirk on her face!) Am I now past my childhood insecurity? Not remotely--but I was a little bit that day!


Whitney said...

I'm sorry about the fall, but at least there weren't a lot of people around AND neither of you were hurt! Funny that it brought you back to the days of the cafeteria at school!

nikki said...

Ouch! It's nothing that a little chocolate can't fix (ha, ha). I really enjoyed reading your blog and the great pics. See you tomorrow!


nikki said...
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Traci said...

I really am sorry that you fell but I am laughing right now at your comical recap!

What is a fiestada? That story was hilarious, too!!

I miss talking to you! I'm gonna call you this week!

Lacie said...

Ok, Maria! I am totally laughing, because I can so see this happening to you! Was Layton shocked?

I know this may not be the best time to mention that this story made my day- I have been having one of those bummer days and I really needed to laugh! YOu can always count on your friends to cheer you up!

By the are a great story teller!

Amy McCown said...

I have a nack for tripping as well and in recent years have started just going with it. I am impressed that you fell, with Layton and everyone was fine.
I like your flamingo picture. I do not think that I have noticed it before. Some of my Dallas friends call ourselves the reindeer (started as a Christmas themed party theme where we each had a reindeer name) and we have had so much fun with it. It is nice to see that other people do that too.